Thursday, February 4, 2016

Weekly News

Homework: Please see the new writing homework for February. It is due Friday, March 4th. The math packet and reading log are due on this Friday. Please return it in your Yellow Reading Log/Math Homework Folder. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log.
Language Arts/Social Studies: We will continue to find leadership traits and evidence from the text to support the trait. We will work on the vowel team ea/ee in our word work. We will continue to work on opinion writing. We will continue to work on our opinion pieces this week.
Mathematics: We have finished our first workbook. I am sending it home today. You will find that we did not do two chapters. These chapters do not correlate with our second grade curriculum here in Shrewsbury so our district has decided for us to skip these chapters. Certainly they are still good pages if you chose to work with your child on them. We will begin chapter 10 on mental math this week. The students will learn that mental math can be used to find the exact answer in addition and subtraction. Estimation can be used when an exact answer is not needed. The students will learn how to use number bonds to add and subtract two and three digit numbers with and without regrouping. They will also learn how to round numbers to estimate sums and differences and check for reasonableness.
Math night was a lot of fun. Thank you to all of you who were able to attend. I was in charge of the game section for second grade. I am sending home copies of the games to those who weren’t able to make it.
Valentine’s Day Information: Please remember that our Valentine cards need to be candy/snack free.  Thank you for your help with this.  I am sending a list of our classmates for you to help your child make a card for each classmate. 
Supplies:  We just passed the half way point of the school year. It is a good time to check in with your child about his or her Twistables. These are the one item is not a part of our community supplies.  Our classroom community is in need of more tissues, erasers (the block eraser not the pencil toppers) and glue sticks. Thank you in advance to anyone who is able to volunteers to help out our classroom community with supplies.
Ways you can help at home: Read with your child and discus the character traits. Read a biography together. Look for ea/ e words as you read. Practice spelling sight words. Help your child take time to edit for capitals and end marks in their writing in their homework. Go on Greg Tang Math and play some games with your child. Practice asking your child what is 10 more, 10 less, 20 more, 20 less than a number, 100 more and 100 less.  Talk about how to add numbers. Review weekend activities with your child on Sunday night or Monday morning so your child will be ready to write in his or her journal about the weekend.