Monday, February 22, 2016

Weekly News February 22-26, 2016

Homework: The math packet and reading log are due on this Friday. Please return it in your Yellow Reading Log/Math Homework Folder. Continue to work on the writing homework. Remember it is due March 4th. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log.
Basket Raffle for the Fun Fair: Help our class build a wonderful arts & craft basket to raffle. Please bring send in any supplies for our basket. Thanks to those who have already contributed to our basket.
Thanks for all the help for our holiday parties this year. A special thank you to Rebecca Edwards for organizing the parties. The children had a lot of fun celebrating together.
Language Arts and Science: We will become weather watchers and researchers for the next several weeks. We will begin by observing clouds. The students will learn the three basic clouds: cirrus, stratus, and cumulus by reading the book Clouds by Tomie dePaola. We will discuss how these types make other types of clouds. In our reading groups we will each be reading about the water cycle. As a read aloud we will be reading Snowflake Bentley.  Students will be working with the long vowel a. We will learn that it can be spelled ai or ay as well as the CVCe that we already learned earlier this year. In writing our focus will shift to informative writing. We will begin by selecting a sport or hobby that we know well. We will divide our topic into three headers or driving questions. We will learn to use key words to take notes. Then take the notes and turn it into an informative paragraph. We will read Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon. This is the book of the month that will be discussed at our All School Meeting on Friday.
Mathematics: We are continuing our work on mental math. We will review addition strategies and then focus on the subtraction strategies. On the back of our newsletter is a helper chart of our subtraction strategies. We will learn how to round two and three digit numbers to the nearest 10. We will practice using rounding to estimate sums and differences. Using estimation students will learn the steps to see if their answers are reasonable. We will work on explaining our answers in writing.
Cursive: We slowly started learning about our first group of cursive letters. So far we have learned the letter a. It is in a group we call the “Clock Climbers.” All the letters in this group begin the exact same way.

Ways you can help at home: Watch the weather together. Describe your observations. Watch a meteorologist on tv together. Talk about the key words he or she used to tell about the weather. Read books and poems about the weather or seasons. Review numbers that make 10. Review the numbers that make a hundred. Practice solving equations that involve a missing number with your child. Go over any problems that your child may have missed on class work or homework. Talk about whether it was a careless mistake or whether they were confused.