Report cards: Today you
will receive your child’s report card. Please sign and return the envelope by Tuesday. You may keep the report card. Returning the signed
envelope lets me know that you have received it. Please let me know if you have
any questions about your child’s progress.
Tissues: Our
classroom supply of tissues needs restocking. We are currently out of tissues.
Thank you to anyone who is able to bring in a box to help us out.
Tuesday is an Early release Day. We dismiss at 12:15. Please
send your child to school with a healthy snack to enjoy. We will be taking a
snack break in the morning.
Homework: A new writing assignment will be sent home today. We
will be writing about a country. Please let me know if you have any questions.
This assignment is due Friday, May 6th. The reading log and
math packet are due on Friday. Please return them in the yellow folder. Please
make sure you sign your
child’s reading log.
Language Arts: The boys and girls are very excited about their
narrative writing about a ride they have experienced. Ask them to tell you
about it. We will have a visit from local author April Jones Prince. We will
read a few of her books this week. We will be reviewing or and ar words.
Mathematics: The boys and girls did a great job on our fraction unit.
Their test will be coming home this week. Please sign and return it to me. We
will be working on using inches and feet to measure height and length. We will
be measuring to the nearest inch and nearest foot. Please see the Home
Connection Letter for ways you can support your child at home.