Monday, March 28, 2016

Weekly News March 28- April 1, 2016

Homework: We are on the final week of the writing assignment. This assignment is due Friday, April 1st. The reading log and math packet are due on Friday. Please return them in the yellow folder. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log.
Language Arts: We will be studying r controlled vowels for the next several weeks. We are beginning with or and ar. We are going to be revisiting Two Bad Ants. We will reading closely to identify all the descriptive language the author used. We will also be discussing the author’s message. We will be working on narrative writing for the next few weeks. We will begin by writing a story about a ride they have experienced. We will read the mentor text Roller Coaster to kick off this writing.
Mathematics: We will be finishing up chapter 12 on Fractions this week. The children have really enjoyed learning about fractions. We will work more on adding and subtracting like fractions.
 Ways you can help at home: Talk about what you think the most important event is in a fiction book you are reading with your child. Explain your reasons one. The important event ties to the solution or author’s message. Look for the r controlled vowels or and ar. Have your child share what he or she knows about fractions. Look for fractions in real life. Gather writing ideas for about a ride.

Video of the Week

Understanding Fractions

Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekly News March 21-25, 2016

Homework: We are on the third week of the writing assignment. This assignment is due Friday, April 1st. The reading log and math packet are due on Friday. Please return them in the yellow folder. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log.
Language Arts and Science: We will be studying long i. The students will be learning how igh makes the long I sound. We will be reading Two Bad Ants. We will work on inferring. We will be writing some poems this week and reflecting on our trimester 2 writing as we put our pieces in our binders.
Mathematics: We are learning about fractions. The students will be reading, writing and identifying unit fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths. Students will learn that fractions are equal parts of a whole. We will be comparing and ordering fractions. Students will learn about adding and subtracting fractions. Students will not be expected to have complete mastery of comparing, ordering and adding fractions. This chapter is laying the foundation for next year.

 Ways you can help at home:? Look for long i words in your reading. Be on the lookout for words spelled with igh. Continue to read aloud to your child and have conversations about what you read. Talk about fractions of shapes. Maybe your child only ate half of their bread at dinner.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekly News March 14-18, 2016

Homework: We are on the second week of the writing assignment. This assignment is due Friday, April 1st. The reading log and math packet are due on Friday. Please return them in the yellow folder. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log.
Language Arts and Science: The boys and girls will be reading Reason for the Seasons by Gail Gibbons. We will be identifying the key details of each season stated in the text. We will be observing our experiment on the water cycle and reviewing the process. We will be writing our observations of the weather. Students will continue to practice the oa vowel team.
Mathematics: We will be reviewing chapter11 on money and taking our test on Wednesday. Students will practicing writing money amounts in both cents and dollar notation. We have talked about taking their time to carefully count money amounts. It is very easy to keep counting by value even when the coins change. For example they will keep counting by tens even when they get to the nickel. Students will need to figure out how much more is needed to get to a stated amount. They will need to figure out how much is left if they spend a certain amount. We will be beginning Chapter 12 on fractions late in the week.
Reminders: The fun fair for Spring Street School is on Sunday. It is also a lot of fun for the children and helps raise a lot of money for our school. I hope you can make it. Please see Mr. Mabie’s Spring Link for more information.
It is Spirit Week at Spring Street School. The Student Council planned fun days of dress for the week. Tuesday- Twin Day/Wednesday Inside Out or Mish Mash day Thursday- Book Character Friday – Sport Day. The Student Council planned fun days of dress for the week. They are also encouraging students to donate NEW children’s size pajamas, socks, and/or baby blankets to benefit Friends of Families in Transition who help those in central Massachusetts. There will be collection box in the front entrance area.  And on Friday Bring in like-new or gently used baseball or softball equipment…bats, mitts, pads, helmets, baseballs/softballs for Jordan’s Furniture Double Play Program.

 Ways you can help at home: Practice counting coins and bills. Talk about how to write it in dollar and cent notation. Show different ways to make the same value. Give your child real world stories to solve. Like you have a QDN and dollar. You spend 50¢. How much do you have left? Or I have $2.25 and want to buy a notebook for $3.00. How much more do I need? Look for long o words in your reading. Be on the lookout for words spelled with oa. Continue to read aloud to your child and have conversations about what you read.

Video of the Week

Water Cycle Song

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Weekly News March 7-11, 2016

Homework: There is a  new writing homework assignment in your folder. This assignment is due Friday, April 1st. The reading log and math packet are due on Friday. Please return them in the yellow folder. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log..
Basket Raffle for the Fun Fair: There is still time to help our class build a wonderful arts & craft basket to raffle. Please bring send in any supplies for our basket. Thanks to those who have already contributed to our basket.
Language Arts and Science: Students are working on writing an informative piece on the storm they researched. We are going to record our weather observations this week. We will study the long o vowel patterns. We will review the CVCe pattern and learn that oa can also make the long o sound.
Mathematics: Please sign and return the Chapter 10 Math test. Let me know if you have any questions about your child’s progress. We are working on writing money amounts in both cents and dollar and cent notation. We are learning how to compare money amounts using the <,> and = symbols. Student will be working on solving real world word problems involving money. We will focus on the problem solving steps of Understand, Represent, Solve, Answer and look back.
Ways you can help at home: Help your child as he/she explores a new topic of interest to read and writing about for the writing assignment. Continue to watch the weather together. Describe your observations. Watch a meteorologist on tv together. Talk about the key words he or she used to tell about the weather. Read books and poems about the weather or seasons. Practice counting coins and bills. Talk about how to write it in dollar and cent notation. Show different ways to make the same value. Look for long o words in your reading. Continue to read aloud to your child and have conversations about what you read.

Video of the Week

Our Seasons in Two Minutes

Weekly News February 29 - March 4, 2016

Coins: In math we will begin a chapter on money. Using real coins benefits our learning. To help students practice counting coins please send in the following coins:
15 pennies
20 nickels
15 dimes
5 quarters
Please send the coins in a baggie labeled with your child’s name by Wednesday, March 2nd. The coins will be returned at the end of this chapter.  Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Homework: Our writing assignment is due Friday along with the math packet and reading log.. Please return it in your Yellow Reading Log/Math Homework Folder. Please make sure you sign your child’s reading log.
Basket Raffle for the Fun Fair: There is still time to help our class build a wonderful arts & craft basket to raffle. Please bring send in any supplies for our basket. Thanks to those who have already contributed to our basket.
Language Arts and Science: We will continue to be learning about weather through our reading and writing activities. Our long a word sort work will continue this week. The students are doing a great job writing about their favorite sport or hobby for our informational writing. We will begin to research storms. Then students will write an informational piece on the storm they studied.
Mathematics: We will be reviewing our mental math, rounding and estimation skills. We will begin chapter 11 on Money. Please see the Family Letter about this chapter and ways you can help at home.
Ways you can help at home: Continue to watch the weather together. Describe your observations. Watch a meteorologist on tv together. Talk about the key words he or she used to tell about the weather. Read books and poems about the weather or seasons. Practice counting coins and bills. Talk about how to write it in dollar and cent notation. Show different ways to make the same value. Look for long a words in your reading. Continue to read aloud to your child and have conversations about what you read.

Video of the Week
Our World:What is Weather- See the video link list on the right.