Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hello Boys and Girls

Here is the script if you can't get the screencast to play:

Hello, it is Mrs. Porter.  Your first day of second grade will be here soon. I am so excited to have you in my class this year. We will have a lot of fun learning together. Our room is in the portables number P4. There will be teachers there to help you find our room. I can’t wait to get to know you. We will have an amazing year!

Be sure to take the class poll on our blog. It is on the top right of the side screen.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Welcome Back to School

                                                                                                                            August 17, 2015

Dear Parents,
I am looking forward to having your child in my second grade class.  We will have a wonderful year! I want to share important information for the start of school. You can also find this information and more on my class blog.  The web address is

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 1st.  Our room is P4 in the portables. There will be teachers helping students to the room if they need it. Please bring water in a thermos with a sports-cap or pop-up straw. Be sure to pack a nut free snack along with your school supplies in your backpack or bag.

The supply list can be found on the Spring Street website at

Please help set up your child’s pencil box. Take the following items out of the packaging: the scissors, one eraser and one glue stick. Label them with your child’s name and put these items in the pencil box. Put 5 sharpened pencils and your Twistables in your pencil box too. Please label your child’s pencil box, notebooks and folder with his/her name. Please set up your child’s binder by taking the dividers and sheet protectors out of the packaging and put them in the binder rings so they are ready for your child to use. Your help with this set-up is greatly appreciated. The community will utilize the remaining supplies.

Monday Folders
The children will bring home a special folder every Monday or the first school day of the school week. The folder will contain important notices from the school and classroom news. Please look through the folder and return the emptied folder the following day.  This system works well and keeps families up to date with school happenings.

Notes/Lunch Money
To help sort the many items the students bring to school, I ask that all notes and lunch money be in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, my name and the contents written on the front. Lunch tickets need to have the child’s name on the back. Following these procedures helps when something is misplaced on the way to school or during the day.

If your child needs to make a change in his/her regular dismissal routine, (bus, walker, parent pick-up) please send a note authorizing this change. Please keep in mind children assigned to one bus are not allowed to take another bus home for visits to a friend’s house. Please do your best to make sure your child knows what way he/she is going home before the school day begins. Calling the school to let your child know during the day creates an interruption in our learning as the message is given on the loud speaker in our room. Emailing this information is also risky as I am not always able to check the email before dismissal and there is the rare occasion that I am not at school that day to receive the message. 

We will have a snack/recess break in the afternoon. Students will eat their snack outside and then they can play. Please make sure this is a nut free snack.  

Class Specials
Monday- Media
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Physical Education
Thursday- Health
Friday- Art

No School on Friday, September 4th
On Friday, September 4th the teachers have a professional development day.  There will be no school for students.  Enjoy the long weekend!

You may contact me at anytime if you have questions or concerns.  It is best to reach me by either sending an email to or by sending in a note.  I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.  I am looking forward to a fabulous year!


                                                                                                       Amy Porter